Teaching Clouds
While clouds are not a difficult concept to teach or learn, they often present a challenge in keeping the lesson interesting. The explanation of cloud formation, for example, can quickly become boring at any grade level. An understanding of clouds and cloud formation, however, is important to studies of weather and the water cycle, so students need to fully understand the lesson. As a result, teachers need creative, interesting ways of teaching about clouds.
Comprehensive Lesson
Teaching a unit on clouds can easily present activities for more subjects than just science. For example:
Science. Perform an experiment that shows students how clouds form. Tape a black piece of paper on one side of an empty jar, then fill the jar one-third full of warm water. Light a match and hold it in the jar for a few seconds. Drop the match into the water and quickly cover the jar with a small bag of ice. Shine a flashlight on the jar and let students watch the cloud form. You can explain the cloud formation process before, during or after the experiment. You can also ask students to explain what they observed.
Art. Have students fold a sheet of blue paper into fourths, creating four boxes. Label each box with a type of cloud, and have students create the cloud using cotton balls. Students could also draw the cloud formation process.
Math. Students can create a table or chart for recording how many times they see each type of cloud each day. At the end of the week, they can create a graph to show total views of each type or total views per day for each type.
Writing. Ask students to write in a science journal about the cloud formation process. Better yet, have students write stories and/or poems about clouds or from a cloud’s point of view.
More Ideas
Some other ideas for teaching clouds include:
Use a storyboard to illustrate cloud formation.
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July 16th, 2008 | #