Dolphins on Finding Their Food: DolphIns have approxImaTely 199 TeeTh and are In dIfferenT colors (their body, that is, not their teeth)— WhITe, Black, Grey, Brown, YeLLow and even Pink and Blue!Like human beIngs, DolphIns are MammaLs and Nurse TheIr young wITh TheIr MiLk. They swIm In “schools”, also called “pods”, doIng some ThIngs on […]
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Oily Birds (Good Oil, That is )
This Month, we are Exploring how Oil can help Birds Better Adapt to wet environments. Charles Darwin was a naturalist in the 1800s. He studied many plants and animals and looked at how they adapted to their environments and how they changed or evolved over time. In 1831, he journeyed to the Galapagos Islands, a […]
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