1. Sea Turtles live in all the world’s oceans except the ____________.
2. Adult Turtles swim in shallow lagoons, feeding mostly on various species of ______________.
3. Clownfish are native to the warm waters of the ___________ and __________ Oceans.
4. _________ have two stomachs and therefore can hunt for larger animals than their mouth could otherwise handle.
5. Angelfish are ____________ animals, because they hide amongst the crevices of the reef by night.
6. Through the 19th century, the word “kelp” was closely associated with seaweeds that were fired to obtain __________ (primarily sodium carbonate).
7. Manatees use taste and smell, in addition to sight, sound, and touch, to_________.
8. Salmon eggs usually range from _____________ in color.
9. Clownfish are one of the few fish that are safe from sea ______________.
10. The ___________ is a marine mammal, the heaviest member of the weasel family.
11. When eating, the otter first uses ___________ to dislodge prey and to open shells.
12. Seahorses have an equine profile, meaning they look sort of like ________.
13. ____________ have vibrant rainbow colors and deep, sideway-flat bodies.
14. Before spawning, salmon may grow a hump and grow canine teeth like a dog, developing a_______, a curve in the jaws.
15. Like___________ , anemones have stinging cells.
16. When a shark is resting, it does not use its nostrils, but rather, its___________, tiny holes behind each eye.
17. A _________tail is paddle-shaped.
18. ________ are large seaweeds belonging to the brown algae family.
19. _________ are pink and silver fish from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and the Great Lakes.
20. Although corals can catch small fish and animals, they obtain most of their nutrients from photosynthetic unicellular_______.
21. __________ typically have five “arms” which radiate from a central disk.
22. __________ are slow-moving and live in warm, shallow, coastal waters, surviving above 15°C.
23. ____ ________ are related closely to coral and jellyfish.
24. _________ have proven problem-solving skills, social complexity and curiosity.
25. Coral have______ ; each one being like a tiny upside-down jellyfish with a shell.
26. ____ _______ “bob” around in sheltered areas such as sea grass beds, coral reefs, or mangroves.
1. Arctic Ocean
2. Seagrass
3. Indian and Pacific
4. Sea Stars
5. Diurnal
6. soda ash
7. communicate
8. orange to red
9. Anemonae
10. sea otter
11. rocks
12. horses
13. Angelfish
14. Kype
15. Spiracles
16. jellyfish
17. manatee
18. Kelp
19. Salmon
20. algae
21. Starfish
22. Manatees
23. Sea Anenomae
24. Sharks
25. Polyps
26. Seahorses
If you really want to give yourselves an elementary science Brain-Squeeze this summer, here is an Oceans Quiz from National Geographics: http://ocean.nationalgeographic.com/ocean/ocean-extremes-quiz/
And Here is one from our classroom at Science-Lessons.ca: a 52-Card Playing Deck for Ocean Learning, includes 4 several games and completely downloadable for Print and Cut-out – Crazy Starfish! Go Snorkeling! Sea Cluster! and ?Hypothesy?: Ordering: Ocean Science: Ocean Creatures Playing Cards
Also, an updated and more improved version with Teachers Pay Teachers!
]]>Making your own Orgonite Muffins are Easy to Make at in-class or at home, Materials needed are:
Beezwax or EcoEpoxy Resin
Large Stir Spoon
Small crystals, even the smallest is great
2 kinds of scrap metals such as copper shavings (look around in your Mom and Dad’s garage or ask your teacher or local welder for some scraps)
a bit of paper and tape
Muffin Pan
For more instructions, visit here: http://beeswax-orgone.com/make-an-orgone/; and here: http://www.orgonite.info/how-to-make-orgonite-hhgs.html.
Orgonite Generators are said to turn negative energy into positive energy, purify the atmosphere, detoxify water, ends drought, help plants grow better, repel pests, require less water, Inspire a pleasant demeanor and balanced, happier moods, and help awaken your innate senses. We first made one with paper and a bit of goldleaf, our compass, ruler and marker – drawing on the paper, a geometric flower of life, adding positive words. We felt it generating positive energy and so thought it was an orgonite generator. To truly test our generator we would have to first make a blank one with the gold, one with the flower of life, one with tiny words on it, and one without, and test each one in the garden to see if it attracts life, or if the flowers around it perk up! Then, to document all of that! But then, we read that Reich’s devices were said to “generate” only when in a container. Otherwise they only “accumulated” the energy – hence, we believe what we made is an orgone accumulator (adding together inorganic and organic materials). Besides not being contained in a container with beeswax or EcoEpoxy, ours only had one kind of metal, and had no crystals. So our next step is to make the Eco-Epoxy muffins!
Here is a photo of one of Reich’s generators designed to do cloudbusting and make rainfall. (Photo: Extracted January 28, 2014 from: www. Wikipedia. Org / wiki / orgone.) People who make homemade orgonite generators have we believe, good intentions – putting positive feelings into our environments. Though, unfortunately, most generators have been made with epoxy fiberglass resin, that is reportedly not very good at all for the environment, in general. Thus, our personal concern is whether crystals “like” being encapsulated in epoxy (as it is also apparent that crystals are living and have feelings! Our sense is they would not like being encapsulated in a non-eco-friendly substance. So…..we searched and found alternatives that are earth-friendly. 3 Eco-alternatives:
1. Beeswax. Yellow Gold in color. http://beeswax-orgone.com/make-an-orgone/.
2. EcoEpoxy. Clear in color and others. http://www.earthsafefinishes.com/EcoEpoxy.html.
3. Ecopoxy. Amber in color. http://ecopoxysystemscanada.com/.
Our friend who makes generators at home, says, if you are wondering if an orgone device works or not try testing it on something that can re-act to your orgone device like a plant or lizard or other animal. Testing may take minutes, hours, days or a week for optimal results. Try taking digital pictures of the subject being tested to document it. He says his generators makes his plants grow faster and greener and attracts interesting wildlife like frogs and lizards. He also writes words on his like Love Peace Harmony Compassion Forgiveness Happiness and Oneness.
And we like this person’s Kirlian photos (infrared photo-technology), also forwarded to us by our friend Kevin. Way cool. http://www.orgoniseafrica.com/blog/improving-orgonite. Are we, as human beings, orgonite generator? If we have contained within our bodies, more than one metal, organic and inorganic material, would we not also orgonite generators? We would say yes, to an extent, though we do not contain non-carbon based crystals. Crystals, are a different kind of life form on Planet Earth. What about if wear a crystal, then? Hmmmmm. Good Science Questions. Be sure and clean and care for your crystal, if you choose to wear one. We believe Crystals have Feelings too!
Other sources of information on Orgone Generators:
For more interesting and Fun Science Activities and Games, feel Free to visit:
In this activity students will explore the differences between a liquid and a solid.
Large Mixing Bowl
Measuring cups (1 cup and ½ cup)
How It Works:
This mixture seems to have both properties of a solid and a liquid simultaneously. This is because when pressure is applied, like when it is squeezed, the particles are forced close together. When the particles are closer together they begin to temporarily attract and attach to each other forming what chemists call “weak intermolecular forces”. What happens when the pressure is released? The solid seems to melt right before your eyes. This is because now the particles are not forced so closely together and are not as attracted and attached to each other and are able to flow like a liquid usually does.
Chemistry is an easy topic to teach to students of all ages, especially elementary school students as they are often very curious about how things change over time. Even looking at the leaves change in the Fall is an example of Chemistry. For more science teaching techniques from the National Science Teachers Association, visit: http://www.nsta.org/about/positions/elementary.aspx or
And for other Fun Learning Science Games, We Invite you to visit any of these pages:
]]>In this experiment students will experiment with the properties of an acid.
Measuring cup (1/2 cup)
Pennies (dirty and old pennies work best)
Lemon Juice and salt
Taco Sauce
How It Works: The taco sauce has vinegar and salt in it, which when combined form a super cleaning mixture. When salt is dissolved in vinegar it breaks into two ions (or charged particles), sodium and chloride. These ions are able to then mix with the copper oxide (a.k.a. rust) on the penny and dissolve the rust, leaving the penny shiny like new. The lemon juice and salt mixture does the same, with the salt dissolving in the lemon juice to form the cleaning machines, sodium and chloride.
When teaching Chemistry concepts, it is best to do hands-on activities. There are great vocabulary words that can be reinforced during Chemistry-related activities, like liquid, solid, acid, base, even words like chemical change, and physical change. There are lots of Chemistry topics around us everyday from how we cook foods to how our bodies breakdown the food we eat. For more useful teaching techniques related to acids and to everyday chemistry, you can visit: http://www.watchknowlearn.org/SearchResults.aspx?SearchText=acids or
And for other Fun Learning Science Games, we invite you to visit here:
]]>Have a look in your schoolyard and backyards, and see if you can find the Wild Flowers, Stones and/or Marine Life that contain Azulene (the chemical compound that would make them blue). Azulene is an organic compound, an isomer of naphthalene. Even though naphthalene itself has no color, azulene is dark blue, hence the dark color Blue in the essential oils of Yarrow, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, Cypress and Black Spruce. It is not surprising that the Spanish word for Blue is Azul. The mushroom Lactarius indigo is blue because of a derivative of azulene. Azulene is also found in some marine invertebrates, and in Lapis Lazuli stones found in Middle Eastern Persia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lapis_lazuli
The compound azulene has a long history, dating back to the 15th century as the azure-blue chromophore was first obtained through steam distillation of the German Chamomile flower. This azure-blue chromophore was later discovered in Wild Yarrow flowers and named in 1863 by Septimus Piesse. Its structure was first reported by Lavoslav Ruzicka in1937. With anti-inflammatory, skin healing properties, it is often in skincare products. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azulene
Even though Wild Yarrow flowers, Achillea millefolium, grow in colors of bright yellow, white, pink, orange, salmon and purple, the oil of the Yarrow flower is azure blue. Blue Yarrow oil is what is termed as volatile as it has “proazulenes”, making it blue.
Yarrow oil is both a sweet and spicy smell, and is watery in its constitution. Yarrow is Sacred, Holy, Healing and Spiritually Protective for many First Nations Peoples. Thank you Mother Earth for these healing flowers, stones and marine life – and for Azulene and the color Blue!
Blue Tansy essential oil also is a vivid deep blue color due to its azulene content. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azulene. It is wildccrafted from common wildflowers grown in Morroco and North Africa from thee daisy family. The Latin name is Tanacetum Annuum. Health benefits include natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory. Herbalist Peter Holmes says it as also a “qi” or energy regulator for the body.
Here is an indoor and outdoor activity your class can do for learning the science of The Olive Tree.
Growing From Seed:
Here are some basic instructions for growing an Olive Tree from a seed, though most likely, the plant won’t ever bear actual fruit. For some reason we are still researching, the only ones that bear fruit once growing, are the trees that are sourced from a cutting. However, you can still have fun planting an Olive Plant in the classroom from a pit, and watch it grow through most of its stages. Or, you can have your class visit a Nursery and retrieve actual cuttings to plant.
Empty milk or juice carton (2 for each student)
Sea Soil (Soil that has been fertilized with seaplants like kelp)
Cactus Potting Soil (sandy)
5/6 Olive Pits
Small pebbles or small broken terra cotta pot pieces
Desk-size piece of leftover cotton fabric
Thick Pencil or Pen
1/2 Spray bottles to share
1 Have all students bring from home 2 empty milk or juice cartons, and a handful of pebbles.
2 Lay out a piece of cotton fabric to catch dirt drippings
3 Cut the first carton down to about 3 inches and fill with compost.
4 Place the Olive seeds sporadically across the compost soil.
5 Once the seeds are in place, spray with water bottle to moisten the seeds.
6 Keep the seeds and compost damp (but not soaking wet). Place them on window sill where they will receive lots of warm sunshine
7 With constant daily spraying and sunshine, germination will take place within several weeks.
1 After the seeds have begun to sprout, cut the top off the second milk/juice carton.
2 In the bottom of the carton, poke the pencil or pen through the middle and create a hole about 1 inch in diameter.
3 Layer the bottom of the carton with 8 or 10 of the pebbles, not covering the entire surface, though enough to allow water to flow through.
4 With a ratio of about 1:3 mix seasoil with cactus potting soil and fill the carton to about 3/4.
5 Move the healthiest looking germinated seeds from the short cartons to the second taller cartons.
6 Water the seedlings well – only when the soil in the pot feels dry.
7 Keep the plants in the same warm, sunny area indoors – even if is warm outdoors, as the plants are still in a stage where they need extra nurturing.
8 As it grows, prune the lower leaves off of the Olive Tree as it begins to grow, to encourage its upward growth into a tree.
9 Transplant the small trees outdoors only if you live in a warm climate.
If you want to grow an Olive plant that one day bears actual fruit, it is better to grow from a cutting than the seed.
1 Find a friend or local tree nursery who would give you a small cutting of their already growing olive tree.
2 With a sharp set of scissors or branch trimmer, cut a small branch off a tree, just under where the “V” is (sort of two small branches in one).
3 Dip it in water and if you have some available, then dip the cutting in “root stim” (Comes in a small bottle and looks like this: (http://www.progressive-growth.com/proddetail.php?prod=34022). Root stim is a plant hormone that can aid in getting a cutting to grow a root. You could possibly borrow a bottle from a neighbor or a nursery may donate one to your class.
4 Follow the same instructions of the Second Carton section from above. Keep the plant in the sunlight, Spray the Leaves, and water once a week. It is important to spray the leaves everyday as this is how the plant will first take in water, whereas there are no roots as of yet. Olive plants need lots of sunlight as they are originally a plant from the Middle East.
Note: if you are planting from a raw cutting, it is always best to cut just under one of the “V’s” or “W’s” where the very new baby growth is, as this is what will grow new roots with best possibility. The older wood pruned off can be saved for other activities, like handing someone an olive branch (sign of peace).
For more tips on growing and pruning Olive Trees, you can visit here:
and here:
Have your class visit a local Tree Nursery. Phone ahead and ask if they have any Olive Trees there to study. If there are no Olive trees yet around to study, study some of the other trees at the Nursery. If a trek to a local nursery is not possible, have a simple outdoor trek around the school grounds. Ask the Learners to study the growth patterns of the tree branches. If your school is close to the ocean, visit the beach and retrieve seashells that clearly show the spiral growth pattern. It is called the Fibonacci Spiral. Here are some of the other plants and seeds they may find to see the Spiral: the Pinecone, in the Branch growth pattern of trees, the mini-fruit pieces of the Pineapple, the Artichoke flower, a Fern during its uncurling, and Seashells.
Science and Math are so intricately connected in all areas. The Fibonacci Spiral and The Fibonacci Sequence is a great example of this. Fibonacci is a Number / Integer Sequence, that when applied in geometrical form, manifests in a Spiral as in that of a Pine Cone or a SeaShell. The sequence was named after an Italian mathematician known as Leonardo of Pisa (or Leonardo de Fibonacci). In 1202, he wrote a book called Liber Abaci in which he gives name to the number sequence. There are historical examples of the sequence showing up in East Indian mathematics as well.
In Spiritual Theory, Life must look back on itself before it can move forward. In Relation to the human species, we must look back toward our Ancestors to learn Wisdom and give Gratitude to Life in the Present in order to move into the Future in the best way and in the Best Direction. Because in theory the Spiral is not quantifiable in the concrete sense; i.e. it is a sequence that is Infinite (no final end number), mathematicians use straight lines around the spirals to give it as close to a concrete geometric equation as is possible. Hence, the spiral looks like a spiral of expanding squares as shown here, and is known as the Golden Mean Ratio. In biological settings, The Fibonacci Sequence can be seen in the Spirals of the Pinecone, in the Branch growth pattern of trees, the mini-fruit pieces of the Pineapple, the Artichoke flower, a Fern during its uncurling, and Seashells.
To further see the mathematical relationship of the Fibonacci Number Sequence to the Fibonacci Spiral, you can visit our Math-Skills page: http://www.math-lessons.ca/blog/2012/04/05/fibonacci-sequence/.
And for other Fun Learning Science Games, we invite you to visit here:
To perform this interactive exercise, you’ll need some rubber gloves, a large bowl, ice, water, an outdoor thermometer and some solid vegetable shortening. Before you begin, explain to the kids that whales, dolphins, seals and porpoises are mammals, not fish. Among other things, this means that they are warm blooded. Explain that a warm-blooded sea creature’s body temperature stays constant and doesn’t adjust to the surrounding temperature. And make sure they know that in order to maintain a constant temperature, these sea mammals need a way to stay warm when the area around them gets cold.
Now explain that the way these animals stay warm is through an extra layer of “insulation” beneath their outer skin. Tell them that the activity they’re about to do will show how this blubber keeps the animal warm. Divide the students into several groups. Give each group a large bowl filled with water and plenty of ice, and a rubber glove beside it. Coat each glove with a layer of vegetable oil and have the children repeat the action, putting on the glove and submerging their hand. Ask them to write down their responses.
Have each student put on the glove and submerge their hand in the ice water and tell if they think the water is warm, cool, fairly cold, or very cold. Now, again, ask them to write down how cold they felt the water was. Almost everyone will report that their hands are much warmer with the vegetable oil. Explain to the students that the vegetable oil protects the hand from the cold water in exactly the same way that the blubber protects the whale or dolphin from the icy water around them.
Your students will have a lot of fun with this. More importantly, they will have a greater appreciation for how Mother Nature has protected some important sea animals.
Here is our 52-Card Deck on Mammals that includes 4 fun Interactive Learning Games:
Here are a few favorite ones:
Give the children a preview of the types of sea creatures that they’ll be learning about starting next week. Ask them if they have favorites. If so, write on the board each of their name and their favorite sea creature. Give them a day or two to find out as much as they can about their favorite. Have them write interesting facts about the creature on index cards. You can provide magazines or books to help them.
By the way, be sure to let your students take home the sea creature that they created earlier in the week, as a memento of the fun and educational time they had. Their parents are sure to enjoy displaying these!
Here is our fantastic card deck for identifying and describing facts of many Ocean Creatures. It contains 4 games in one complete with all instructions:
]]>Let’s talk about the nest first. On a day when the weather is not too chilly, take the children outside and go on a nest hunt. Have them look in an area with plenty of trees for a real nest. As you look at it together, (or talk about it if you don’t happen to find one that day) explain to the kids that the birds build their nests one stick, or leaf, or piece of paper at a time. Tell them also that the bird must first hunt for all of the materials needed to build the nest.
When you return to the classroom, tell the students that, based on what they learned, they are to make their own bird’s nest. Tell them to use supplies that they find in the classroom (Make sure there are things in the classroom such as paper, sticks, grass, yarn, etc.). To hold the pieces together, provide something like clay and then watch your kids’ creativity shine!
On another day, continue your study of birds by having your children make an actual bird feeder. Here are some possibilities:
A couple of projects like this will not only teach your kids about birds, but will make your kids love these winged wonders.
And here is our Interactive Learning Card Deck with 4 Fun Games on Birds: